A peace-child that became a warrior in politics, art and sport

Welcome to my website

This is “my” site – as a doctor, politician, writer and painter. My CV is enclosed, both as a doctor and as an artist, and both in English and Norwegian.

This is also a blog for discussion of current issues. All topics in this web can be commented on, as long as it is in the public interest. It is then important that you are specific and honest in everything you write, but not private. I also have my monthly MOTSTRØM send on mail with sharp comments, poems and painting. MOTSTRØM is mostly in Norwegian. Wright to me if you want to join in.

My paintings and drawings are the most important part of this website. I have painted and drawn throughout a long life – and has scanned a lot to this web. Some paintings relate to my life as an elite skater. In contrast, many relates to my time in Malawi as a surgeon. Many others reflect political and ethical problems. This is all together a wide range of motives and expressions. In my latest 4 years, I have been an art student full-time for 3 years at DTK, but the school of life is most important.
Both paintings and drawings can be copied from this web, but better signed art-copies or even the original in some cases can be ordered from me.
I also take limited “painting jobs» and portrait painting or drawing – just try me!

An important part of this web is my books, articles, poems and short stories. They are scanned and can be downloaded as PDF files for free. Some of the books can still be bought from me. Finally, some reports and photo collections of my projects are available on this web as PDF files. We welcome new ideas and suggestions of projects, especially concerning biking projects.

Lasse 2018

Recent posts from my blog

Lasses julekalender
Lasse Efskind

lasses julekalender luke 24: Julekveld med en sakte eksplosjon

lasses julekalender luke 24: Julekveld med en sakte eksplosjon I det minste er julekvelden en oppfordring til å se bakover i kultur og tradisjon. Vi behøver ikke stoppe ved Jesusbarnet. I disse dager med krig i Midtøsten er det fristende å gå helt tilbake til Moses og de esoteriske egyptiske tradisjoner. Opprør, gerilja og ideologier

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